Comments on: Rethinking Christmas Traditions: An Honest Discussion About Gift Exchange Games Equipping leaders to cultivate a Christ-focused community Sun, 01 Oct 2023 21:17:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cyndee Ownbey Sun, 01 Oct 2023 21:17:24 +0000 In reply to ,Margaret.

Margaret, I’m so sorry… thank you for sharing your experience.

By: Cyndee Ownbey Sun, 01 Oct 2023 21:16:57 +0000 In reply to Nadine.

Nadine, thank you for sharing your experience. 🙂 An ornament gift exchange is a great alternative.

By: Nadine Wed, 27 Sep 2023 17:15:38 +0000 I have participated in many Christmas ornament gift exchanges and I love them! We have always made it “optional” to participate, but the majority of women like to participate. As a leader, I have even bought a few extra ornaments in case someone happens to forget or just to bless someone who may not have the extra funds to participate.

I am not a fan of the “Dirty” Santa type of gift exchanges. I think these type of exchanges are stressful and someone always gets their feelings hurt. I like to foster a sense of togetherness with my group of women.

By: ,Margaret Wed, 27 Sep 2023 17:02:53 +0000 Gift exchange parties are stressful one year I spent more on exchange gifts than on my family. I had 3 to attend, my daughters each had 3 my husband had 2. I don’t think any of us came home with anything special, ,I put quite a bit of thought into each required gift. One gift that I received was a lottery ticket, now we can add gambling into the mix of wrong doing. Socializing should add joy to the season not stress.
