Comments on: 4 Things You Need to Know About Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes This Year Equipping leaders to cultivate a Christ-focused community Mon, 21 Oct 2019 18:10:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cyndee Ownbey Mon, 21 Oct 2019 18:10:13 +0000 In reply to De.

Yes, you can put the $9 inside the box – cash or check. It will be removed at the processing center before the box is shipped out.

By: De Wed, 16 Oct 2019 20:18:28 +0000 The $9.00 is cash in the box?

By: Cyndee Ownbey Tue, 27 Nov 2018 18:54:24 +0000 In reply to Mary Kaluza.

Mary, this is awesome!! Great tip – taking the packaging off makes a big difference and allows for so many more items to go in a box. Thank you for serving with OCC! <3

By: Mary Kaluza Sat, 24 Nov 2018 17:03:09 +0000 I also love OCC and have been blessed by it. I am a full time volunteer (Church Relations). My grandkids know there are always projects to do when they come to my house. We take a lot of the packaging off items so more items will fit in the shoe box. They put soap in plastic containers or plastic bags. I was blessed this year to not only have packing parties in my home for friends and relatives but I was blessed with so many items I organized a packing party at the wonderful Church in the area and they did 310 shoe boxes and some brought in boxes completed to make a total of 426 Gospel Opportunities. This is so much a God thing.

By: Cyndee Ownbey Sat, 08 Sep 2018 15:09:53 +0000 In reply to Fenna Heuvel.

Fenna, that is wonderful! I know you have blessed many! Thank you for the reminder of the need for boxes for boys. When I helped deliver boxes in Grenada I witnessed the shortage first-hand. Almost all of the boxes I personally pack are for older boys. May God continue to bless your ministry!

By: Fenna Heuvel Sat, 08 Sep 2018 14:49:26 +0000 I too have been very involved in the shoeboxes, not only in our church but also in a private ladies group. We packed over 100 boxes and did 150,000 handmade items plus made 20,000 teddy bears besides. Then we have a teddy bear picnic every few years to celebrate . It’s very fun. Enjoy working at the distributing centre as well. I would like to stress the need for boy items. Everyone loves to do girlie things and the boys kinda lose out. Our boxes have anywhere from 25 – 30 items sto make them a real blessing. Thank you for what you do. Many hands make light work.

By: Cyndee Ownbey Mon, 26 Mar 2018 14:47:29 +0000 In reply to Karen Ritter.

Karen – that’s neat! I bet you had issues with the spelling all the time too. 😉 So glad you found the tips helpful! Thank you for packing shoeboxes – I know they’ll be a blessing to those who receive them!

By: Karen Ritter Fri, 23 Mar 2018 17:44:44 +0000 I was reading over the suggestions for boxes as I collect all year. I was drawn to your last name because my maiden name was Ownby without the e as in yours. That is an uncommon name here in the Pacific Northwest. (Washington) My dad was from Tenn. where I believe the name more common. Just thought it interesting. Appreciated your shoebox tips.
